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Thursday, September 3, 2020
AIDS in World History
The pestilence of human immunodeficiency (HIV) infection causing (AIDS) has changed universal history including the rise of normal practices and generalizations against Black races, gay people, and nations tormented by the malady (for example Africa, Thailand, etc.).Historically, the primary persuading proof regarding HIV infection and genuine malady procedure of AIDS was found in the blood of an obscure man from Kinshasa, Africa in 1959 (Iliffe, 2007 p.311). In the long run, the contamination arrived at the Western Nations at first in Los Angeles around June 1981 wherein an uncommon aspiratory Pneumocystis carinii was found tainting six cases with blood-borne HIV condition (Feigal, Levine and Biggar, 2000 p.1).By mid-1982, roughly 450 instances of HIV had been recognized by CDC, and before the year's over, an expected case increment of at least 300 was gotten by a similar association (Finkel, 2007 p.89). The occasion denoted the main AIDS pandemic making a worldwide shame against ra ces, socioeconomics, nations and sexual orientation related with the sickness the study of disease transmission (Parker and Aggleton, 2003).From 1982 to 1985, AIDS and HIV checking establishments had the option to record an estimated 16,000 instances of HIV, while loss of life brought about by the malady had arrived at 8,100 for 1985 alone (Finkel, 2007 p.89). Before the finish of 2002, UNAIDS announced 42 million individuals with AIDS around the world, while 25 million had as of now kicked the bucket of the contamination (Porth, 2005 p.427).Due to the expanding number of tainted populace, AIDS had reshaped the world history by affecting the world’s sees on nations, countries, and individuals liable for the spread of the ailment over the globe.I.             Discussiona.â â â Epidemiology and its International ImpactAIDS plague has continued developing in its exponential rates since its stamped disclosure in June, 1981. In United States, AIDS sc ourge rose from the 1985 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) records of 5,600 to 82,764 out of 1989, 816,000 before the finish of 2000, and UNAIDS records of 3.5 million before the finish of 2002 (Porth, 2005 p.428; Patterson, 2005 p.179).In a universal point of view, worldwide AIDS commonness among grown-ups from 15 to 49 years of age has expanded from roughly 8.5 million of every 1990 to 38.6 million out of 2005, while African AIDS pervasiveness pattern among the comparative socioeconomics has expanded too from 1.3 million out of 1985 to 25 million starting at 2005 (UNAIDS, 2006).According to Steinbrook (2004), there are nine nations that have the most number of HIV-tainted socioeconomics, and eight of these are from sub-Saharan Africa totaling to around 12 million people with AIDS. The nation and race of African individuals have been seriously influenced by the worldwide generalizations and injury against AIDS.According to Iliffe (2007), persuading follow regarding HIV-1 transmissi on has been recognized in chimpanzees selective to the area of Kinshasa, while the ten subtypes of HIV-1 have been found in an early pandemic just inside the central Africa, which thusly proposes the viral beginning of AIDS (p.311).The expanding universal disgrace over sub-Saharan Africa has influenced the worldwide ethnicities of blacks, African American and African outsiders in all aspects of the world (Steinbrook, 2004).According to the audit investigation of Valdiserri (2002), race and ethnic gatherings related with the gatherings significantly influenced by AIDS contamination have encountered negative perspectives, preference, judgment and segregation from the social public.b.â â â Global Trend of AIDS EpidemicThe complex sign of AIDS in World History includes the rising pattern of social shame against AIDS plague and socioeconomics related with the malady the study of disease transmission (Steinbrook, 2004).According to the survey investigation of Valdiserri (2002), arrang ement of national meetings from 1990s to 2000 uncovers that the 1 out of 5 people living in the examination test (n=5,600 American grown-ups) have antagonistic mentalities against races related and patients with AIDS.According to Perloff (2001), the expanding pattern of AIDS pestilence activated different social partiality and adverse mentalities against different gatherings of people over the world. In terrain South Africa, ladies and kids who got HIV turns into the social projection of dismissal, partiality and separation brought by the worldwide disgrace towards AIDS (Brown, Macintyre and Trujilo, 2003).In United States, African American or Blacks have been seen adversely after the American open harbor additionally vilifying mentalities from sub-Sahara’s detailed HIV disease, while in Thailand, social threatening vibe towards whores (for example police provocation, segregation, and so forth.) are expanding  consistently (Perloff, 2001 p.130).According to Armstrong-Dailey and Zarbock (2001), the normal effect of AIDS shame on a worldwide point of view is the improvement of social shunning among families or patients who contracted with AIDS (p.119).According to the investigation of Sudha, Vijay and Lakshmi (2005), 51.13% of the example (n=800) wanted to openly revile the names of AIDS patients for the general population to maintain a strategic distance from them, while 73.75% of the families talked with want to keep AIDS condition among family members only.Discrimination brought by people in general and even clinical professionals turns into the result of the overall disgrace animated by the exponential development pace of AIDS (Perloff, 2001 p.130).c.â â â Impact of AIDS in Future GenerationWith the constant rising pattern of AIDS populace around the world, social disgrace of the overall population against the race, socioeconomics and people related with the illness the study of disease transmission is probably going to build causing worldwide a dverse mentalities, dread and preference against their populace (Armstrong-Dailey and Zarbock, 2001 p.119).Contrary to the above forecasts, the investigation of Blower, Schwartz and Mills (2003), open disgrace against AIDS patient may lessen contingent upon the expanding wellbeing attention to the general population in regards to HIV anticipation and patient management.Meanwhile, Piot, Bartos and Ghys et al. (2001) have anticipated that the short term ramifications of AIDS pandemic in high stakes nations (for example South Africa, Thailand, U.S, and so forth.) are (a) the expansion in clinical consumptions of the nation (for example anticipated 45% in South Africa, and so on.), (b) diminished of future (for example 59 y/o down to 45 y/o by 2005 in South Africa, and so forth.), and (c) diminished financial effectiveness of the country’s economy.II.           ConclusionFrom the confined flare-up of 1981 to the enormous disease of 21st century, AIDS has si gnificantly influenced the worldwide pattern of social discernments and medicinal services because of the worldwide disgrace brought about by the exponential increments of AIDS epidemic.AIDS patients in comprehensively known plague nations, for example, South Africa, India, United States, Thailand, are anticipated to endure social alienation wherein patients may neglect to openly look for AIDS clinical treatment because of their apprehensions of separation, mistreatment and substandard treatment.According to introduced examines, the worldwide impacts of AIDS scourge may build the countries’ portions for clinical consumptions, and reduction the future of the general population.III.          ReferencesArmstrong-Dailey, An., and Zarbock, S. F. (2001). Hospice Care for Children. New York, London: Oxford University Press US.Blower, S., Schwartz, E. J., and Mills, J. (2003, June). Estimating the Future of HIV Epidemics: the Impact of Antiretroviral Therapies an d Imperfect Vaccines. Helps Reviews, 5, 113-125.Brown, L., Macintyre, K., and Trujillo, L. (2003, February). Mediations to Reduce HIV/AIDS Stigma: What Have We Learned?. Helps Education and Prevention, 15, 49-69.Feigal, E. G., Levine, A. M., and Biggar, R. J. (2000). Helps related Cancers and Their Treatment. New York, U.S.A: Informa Health Care.Finkel, M. (2007). Truth, Lies, and Public Health: How We are Affected when Science and Politics Collide. New York, U.S.A: Greenwood Publishing Group.Iliffe, J. (2007). Africans: The History of a Continent. New York, London: Cambridge University Press.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Evaluating Truth And Validity Exercise Essay
The contention â€Å"a develop individual is self-coordinating, so guardians who make all their children’s for them are doing their posterity a disservice†has allocate of legitimacy to it, and in a greater number of ways than one is valid. A youngster whose guardians or watchmen settle on the entirety of their choices for them, are in a way impeding the kid on the grounds that the kid doesn't have the chance to have an independent perspective. At the point when that youngster grows up and should have the option to settle on significant choices, for example, what school to go to, who to wed, or what sort of occupation to apply for, that kid will almost certainly, not realize how to appropriately choose dependent on the data or realities gave to the person in question. For example if a kid grows up and is confronted with what school to go to and that kid has never needed to settle on any significant choice for himself, that kid may wind up in a school pursuing a degree p rogram that isn't genuinely what the person needs to do with their life dependent on what their parent reveal to them they ought to go into. That kid has then squandered four to five years of their life and needs to start from the very beginning looking for the best possible degree or employment where the person in question can flourish monetarily and be cheerful. There is brief percent of kids who will have the option to conquered the attitude of not thinking on their own and have the option to settle on the significant choices that should be made, however at what cost? How often will that youngster need to settle on an inappropriate decision and endure in light of the fact that they were not permitted to think all alone? The steady disappointment and dismissal might exacerbate the situation for the kid, and could prompt surrendering all expectation. The contention â€Å"the Bible can’t be applicable to today’s issues; it was composed numerous hundreds of years prior and is loaded up with bygone phrasing†is another contention with some legitimacy and non-legitimacy. There are individuals who guarantee since the Bible was composed more than 2,000 years back that it doesn't have any significant bearing to today’s gauges, and there are individuals who state the lessons in the Bibleâ are implied for all individuals to follow as a general rule. The contention can go in any case, yet in the event that you take a gander at what the Bible truly is, it is a book with stories, for example, a history book, about individuals who lived 2,000 or more years back and the things they experienced. If you somehow managed to state since it was composed back quite a while prior it doesn't have any significant bearing to today’s principles, would be a similar thing as saying on the grounds that our history books ed ucate about Abraham Lincoln and when he lived in the 1700’s, that those accounts are superfluous. The Bible is a book for Christian based individuals to peruse, and is expected as a rule for these individuals on the most proficient method to appropriately carry on with their life. There are numerous accounts in the Bible that could possibly apply to today’s measures, for example, the Old Testament lessons, however this shouldn't imply that the whole Bible isn't pertinent to today’s issues. The Bible instructs not to kill and take, and if 90 percent of individuals who are in jail followed these two lessons, they would not be in jail today. Different anecdotes about the individuals who lived in the Bible days are intriguing to a few, and not to other people, as are most history books at any point expounded on the historical backdrop of the world. Does this mean we have to quit showing our kids the historical backdrop of the world on the grounds that the lessons in the history books happened more than three centuries prior? I think it on the grounds that the Bible speaks to a religious book, and that is the reason it is so mocked. The contention â€Å"it’s ludicrous to imagine that there will be less passings on the off chance that we boycott handguns. Handguns don’t slaughter individuals; individuals murder people†has no legitimacy to it in that a real handgun itself can't do anything all alone, it is a lifeless thing. A handgun or some other sort of weapon requires an individual to genuinely get it, point, and shoot so as to cause it to work; a handgun can't simply discharge all alone. At the point when individuals state that handguns murder individuals, it is equivalent to stating that a spoon made someone else fat, or a vehicle made someone else take it. These are objects that must have an administrator or a real existence power to work these lifeless things. Did handguns aid the executing of an individual is an increasingly legitimate inquiry to pose. On the off chance that an individual needs someone else dead and there isn't a handgun around, that individual will be imaginative and thought of another way to murder that individual. Take John Wayne Gacy for example, he didn't require the utilization of a handgun to kill many little youngsters, he utilized rope and scarfsâ to choke his casualties. There are individuals who guarantee without handguns certain violations would not happen, and that might be conceivable, yet in the event that the individual needing to play out the wrongdoing was inflexible on doing it and didn't have a weapon, that individual would utilize elective measures to complete the wrongdoing.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A View That Could Change the World Essay examples -- Reflective Writin
A View That Could Change the World The general reason for instruction is to expand students’ information and comprehension of the material considered and furthermore their viewpoints and perspectives. Instruction ought to never end, yet ought to be a continuous procedure wherein it is based upon by including new data and new plans to past information and past encounters. Another fundamental piece of learning manages the students’ social turn of events. It is fundamental for understudies to figure out how to connect with their companions and grown-ups and furthermore how to carry on in a manner that is satisfactory and fitting to the â€Å"norm.†This joined with learning the material given makes a recipe for achievement in today’s society. The explanation instruction is so significant is on the grounds that training acquires achievement today’s society. The more training, the more achievement, the better the activity. You must have some essential information on what ought to have been learned right off the bat in your training to land any sort of position. Another explanation instruction is significant is for your own thinking. You can take what you have figured out how to arrive at decisions about your very own convictions and you can utilize what you have figured out how to safeguard your convictions. It might be said, information is power. A decent part of training is it is something that can be accomplished and can not be removed by anybody. As a future educator, I intend to give my understudies balanced instruction. I intend to utilize diverse instructing procedures to transfer data such that will suit every understudy learning style. One of my objectives is to have a formatively fitting educational plan where my understudies can learn on their level. I don't figure anybody ought to be abandoned; instructors should bend over backward to help... ...tential it is significant for them to be put in an ideal evnironment. Since the child’s condition assumes such a job as far as they can tell I concur with Maturationists in the significance of thinking about how the earth will influence each student’s learning. Subsequent to getting my degree in youth custom curriculum I intend to instruct in the government funded educational system until I resign. Conceivably following a couple of long periods of training I will return to class myself to get a bosses degree. From seeing in the government funded educational system I have seen a brief look at what it will resemble when I have my own homeroom. In spite of the fact that I realize that educating can be a great deal of work it likewise accompanies numerous gifts and rewards. At the point when I gauge the advantages and disadvantages of training I find that the great far exceeds the terrible and I anticipate showing the offspring of America.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Ethical Dilemma Dentistry You Have Personally Experienced - 275 Words
Ethical Dilemma In Dentistry That You Have Personally Experienced (Coursework Sample) Content: Dentistry DilemmaName:Institution:Date:Ethical Dilemma in DentistryThe ethical principles of beneficence and autonomy raise a lot of tension in dentistry. I experienced this type of dilemma while I was volunteering in my uncles dental clinic. Ethical dilemma is a situation that arises when principles are in conflict (Misch, 2012).An elderly patient with numerous chronic conditions visited the clinic and requested cosmetic procedures that included cosmetic enhancement and implants for her existing teeth. The woman was suffering from arthritis and heart disease. However, as the receptionist had scheduled an appointment, the dentist received the patient but went through series of questions to understand the historical implication of dental problems experienced by the patient. Unfortunately, the elderly woman did not understand the risks involved in the procedures she wanted to undertake. Firstly, the procedures were very expensive and the patient did not have adequate mo ney to cater for the treatment. The only option that was on the table was only to involve implants as they were more affordable as compared to cosmetic enhancement. Nevertheless, the patient could not clearly understand why she could not undergo both procedures despite the doctors effort to explain and teach her about it.After the patient understood the procedures and the option on the table, it is crucial to explore the principle involved. The principle of autonomy does not supersede the principle of beneficence where the doctor should do no harm to a patient even when the health profile of a patient may be a risk of increasing complications (Misch, 2012). Cosmetic enhancements as well as other dental procedures are associated with high risks. Therefore, to preserve autonomy, the consent of the patient should be voluntary and informed. Informed decisions that relate cosmetic enhancement and implants should include both the benefits and risks that the patient could encounter in the short and long term basis.The patient was able to consent the procedures and she...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Using Information Literacy to Promote Critical Thinking Essay
The cornerstone of Critical Thinking, Real-World Problem Solving and Meaningful Learning is questioning. There are three levels of cognitive questions and student learning. The first and lowest, data input processing, or gathering and recall information. Sample key words and desired behaviors are complete, count, define, describe, identify, list, match, name, recall, observe, recite, and select. Next, we have intermediate, data processing, or processing information. Sample key words and desired behaviors are analyze, classify, compare, contrast, distinguish, explain, infer, make an analogy, organize, plan and synthesize. The highest form, data output, or applying and evaluating in new situations. Sample key words and desired†¦show more content†¦Dont ask questions that you do not know the answer too. Above all, allow and encourage students to participate in questioning content. When dealing with real-world problem solving it is usual to find absolute right answers, but you can come up with some better than others. One needs to recognize the problem, formulate a question, collect data, and arrive at an acceptable answer to the problem. Often educators and teacher-librarians are admonished to avoid resources of a stereotypical type and to acquire materials reflective of cultural diversity. Promoting information literacy is a pedagogical approach that can effectively combat the entrenchment of stereotypes of Native Peoples, by assisting students in developing critical thinking skills, and thus enabling them to do problem-solving, decision-making, and creative thinking. It is imperative the teacher librarian actually promote critical thinking about popular representations of Native People and about information resources that purport to depict Native peoples and issues. The necessity for using informational literacy to separate multicultural fact from fiction is well illustrated with examples from literature and media. An example is Tom Sawyer, the book, when Injun Joe is portrayed as the bad guy. The reality is that librarians are unlikely to pull classics from the shelves because of the inclusion of racial/ethnic stereotypes, and intellectual freedom stances cannot be downgraded. However,Show MoreRelatedscientific literacy Essay1687 Words  | 7 PagesScientific literacy Introduction and audience When talk about science, perhaps majority of us think it is less relative with real life. However, as society developed, science encompassed us everywhere. This situation forces everyone to acquire the ability to learn and understand science. Some may think that, scientific literacy is what a scientist should have and nothing about normal people, however it is just too narrow. Look around the surroundings of us, everything is conned with science. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Getting Something with Nothing Way to Be Immoral Essay
No sooner had single light turned on green than rainbow poped up, and the unknown sound waved around it. That rings familar: it is downloading a music file that becomes our life. We know not only it is very useful and entertains us but sometimes can be illegal if done without paying for copyright. Honestly speaking, although informed of the two sides of a coin, we are inclined to the bright side of benefit; so are students at Pennsylvania State University in the United States. They also know downloading illegally is against the uni rule and the state law, but play on it due to an easy online access and the fact that many of them already enjoy a media file for taking, thus think it of not being immoral. Although it rings true as what brings†¦show more content†¦The cost on me is so painful that I might eat nothing but a dust in the end. Nevertheless, I usually do share my food with my peers. Why? Because I know the benefit to distribute is much more than a loss. In the same w ay, many a listener can make an economic and aesthetic gain by downloading music for free. Though producers may receive some damage, they can also do interests for advertising their works for which some might pay. So the action seems very ethical. All for that, it is after all unethical, since it makes a conccesion to society in long consequence, whch falsifies the moral reason. Then, how does free download slim down the social growth, and why does it matter with happiness and ethics? The social growth includes a variety of fields, such as ecnomics, science, and culture. So if you do not pay for a song and enjoy it, a producer has low income, and makes less exciting artwork next time, which means the growth is in danger. In acient Greece, the philosopher Aristotle stated what raises the growth of society is moral, and what stifles it is immoral. In fact, benefit for majority is one thing, and that for society is another. For instance, while sharing my food with friends somtimes is u nder control, doing always, at home, school, even hospital, is hardly acceptible for me. Because I may starve to die! So they do sometimes, knowing that they will not get anything unless I am alive. Did you catch it? So merely downloading a file without paying is against theShow MoreRelatedCheating is Against The Rules1044 Words  | 5 Pageshours and for this exam, I could either study for two hours and not get a good grade, or break the rules by using the notes during the exam, therefore getting a guaranteed A. What should I do? Cheating is against the rules of all corporations, institutions, and life. It is not viewed as morally correct because as one cheats, one is taking the easy way out and disrespecting those who work hard for the same outcome, therefore breaking binding contract of respecting others around you. It is tempting thoughRead MoreNoble Cause Corruption Essay1427 Words  | 6 Pagesworld a safer place to live. 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Business Quality and Market Performance †
Question: Discuss about the Business Quality and Market Performance. Answer: Introduction: This is the report that focuses on the company called Samsaras marketing plan. As the company has launched the new aluminium suitcase in the Australian market thus it is required to implement some of the market strategies in order to make the people aware about the products and the brand along with achieving the saes target (Peter Donnelly, 2011). The report focuses on the marketing objectives of the company. The discussion follows with the explanation of the market segment and the target market that needs to be targeted for the products sale. Strategies of marketing on context to 4Ps have also been discussed. As far as the marketing objectives of the company are considered, the company needs to focus on 3 objectives: Sales target: The sales target of the company is to achieve the break-even point in 6 months of the products launch. The sales should be of around $2 million in 6 months. It is very much required by the company to achieve this sales target so that it can attain the BEP within 6 months (Hollensen, 2015). Brand awareness: It is required by the company to develop brand awareness among the customers. This is because if the company wants the products to be sold, it is required to make the people aware about the existence of the brand in the market. This requires the company to develop promotional and branding strategies so that more and more people get attracted towards the brand over the competitors (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker Brennan, 2012). Customer retention and satisfaction: It is very important to satisfy and retain the customers so that they can make repeated purchase with the company and also advertise about the company by word of mouth. The product like suitcase is the thing that needs to be durable as it is not purchased by the customers again and again (Wilson Gilligan, 2012). This, it is required to provide the customers with great services at once so that if they buy again the same products, they will prefer the same brand as before. Segmentation can be defined as the process of dividing the market into different segments according to the characteristics of the customers (Ernst, Hoyer Rbsaamen, 2010). There should be homogeneity in the market segments. Segmentation is done so that group of different customers can be made and the company can make the strategies according to the nature of the market segments. As far as the above products are considered, there can be segments that are made as per the age of the customers, gender of the customers and the occupation of the customers. Aluminium suitcases are generally used by the people of age between 18-50 years of age. As the product has been designed in various sizes and looks thus it can be used by women as well as men so another segment is because of the gender. The last segment is regarding the usability of the customers (Bughin, Doogan Vetvik, 2010). It has been analysed that the people who are in the jobs that require travelling. As the product is very much s trong with its material thus it can easily be used by the frequent travellers. Target customers are those customers or the segment of the customers that needs to be targeted by the company in order to make the sell the products. The target market is the market for which the company has to make the strategies so that the market can be attracted towards the products and the brand. In this case the target market for the company is men who do travelling jobs of the age 25-45 years (Kahn, Barczak, Nicholas, Ledwith Perks, 2012). This is the most relevant target market according to the products that has been launched; this is because the frequent travellers require buying the suitcase that is durable and easy to carry along with great strength. They also need to buy the suitcase again and again and thus it is required to target them as well as to retain them at the same time. Positioning refers to the value that has been associated with the products or how the products are being observed by the customers. As far as the above products are considered, it has been analysed that the products needs to be durable and string. Thus, the company also has to portray the image of the products as strong and durable. The positioning statement that has been used by the company in order to make such image will be explore the world with durability and strength. This suggests that the products help the customers in exploring the world without any issues as it is so durable and string that it will support them all throughout (Durmu?o?lu Barczak, 2011). Marketing strategies are those strategies of the company that are implemented in order to achieve the market objectives. As per the above objectives, Samsara also has to implement some of the marketing strategies in context with the four Ps so that it can achieve the set objectives in the given time (Cui, Zhao Ravichandran, 2011). The strategies that are discussed below need to be practiced by the company for 6 months after the launch of the products. Product is the actual tangible thing that needs to be offered to the market. Products are divided into different divisions. The product needs to be positioned or offered to the customers with different strategies at different levels. Core product: The core products are the suitcase that fulfils the basis need of taking luggage and stuff from one place to another. It is the suitcase that can be taken for long journey and is strong enough to take large amount of stuff. Actual product: as far as the actual product range of the suitcase is cindered, it has many features. Samsaras products are the ideal answer for introduction cases, deals packs, special cases, conveying cases, and delivering cases. Samsaras aluminium cases are accessible in an extensive variety of stock sizes and are monetarily valued for use as attach cases or corporate training cases with tweaked insides (Zhang, Hu Kotabe, 2011). Augmented products: the company provides guarantee of a year to the products and the servicing is also free for a year. Any kind of small breakage can be repaired by the company itself without any charges. It has been analysed that the augmented benefits attached with the products make it more attractive for the customers. The company also have some exchange schemes some of the time in which the customers can exchange their old Samsara products with the new ones under some conditions. Pricing is the element that is also very important and need to be strategized by the company in order to enter the new market. There are many pricing strategies that are available for the companies to use and enter the market: Premium pricing: It is the ricing that deals with selling the products at very high prices as compared to the market. This strategy can be used only when the company has to target the customers with high class background and the company wants to position its products as the premium product (Yan, 2010). Penetration pricing strategy: It is the strategy that is one of the most feasible strategies to enter the new market and to penetrate in the market. In this case the company has to set the prices as per the market situations. Economy pricing: it is the pricing strategy that deals with selling the products in low prices as compared to the customers. This is only for the price sensitive customers (Yan Pei, 2011). Skimming prices: It is the pricing strategy that helps in entering the market at premium price so as to make the image and lowering the prices as the competitors release their competitive products. As per the products in this case, it has been analysed that skimming pricing is the strategy that can be used by the company so as to enter the market as the premium products and lowering the prices as the other competitors release their aluminium suitcases. This also helps the company to earn high profits in less time. Placement is the element that deals with the location or the place by which the company can serve the customers. It has been analysed that in the above case, the company has to choose different places so as to serve the customers in the market and to increase the availability of the products (Nagle, Hogan Zale, 2016). The company can use tow of the strategies so as to serve the customers. One of the places is the exclusive store of the brand and the distributors of the suitcases and other one is by the canopies at different places and events where most of the population gathered so as to enhance the brand awareness. Different promotional strategies can be used by the company: Advertising: It is one of the most effective techniques to promote the products. TV, radio and print media are some of the examples that can be used to advertise the products (Cravens Piercy, 2006). Direct selling: it is also one of the strategies to reach the customers directly and make them aware about the brand. Online marketing: there are different online mediums such as shopping sites and online social networking sites that can support the market activities and campaigns of the company. The company sell their products online and also post some of the ads to the social networking sites in order to get the reviews of the people (Nagle, Hogan Zale, 2016). Market analysis: It is the first action that needs to be introduced. The market needs to analyse to make the strategies accordingly. Development of strategies: it is the action that is required to be conducted in order to make the strategies for the target market (Giri Sharma, 2014). Implementation of the plan and the strategies: there are several actions or the activities that needs to be conducted in order to achieve the marketing objectives of the company. Some of them are: Activities 1st month 2nd month 3rd month 4th month 5th month 6th month Development of strategies Advertising the products on TV and radio along with providing ads on print media Running of social media campaign Direct selling at the events Evaluating the marketing activities Making corrections Conclusion: It has been concluded from the report that Samsara has launched an r products that is the aluminium suitcase with various sizes, designs and features. The marketing activities have been practices in order to achieve the marketing objectives of the company in 6months after the launch of the products. The companys objective was to achieve the sales target nada king the rand ware amongst the customers. The company used several product, pricing, placement and promotional strategies in order to achieve those targets. Implementation of marketing action is necessity to be evaluated so that correction can be made and the results of the plan can be analysed. References: Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2012).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Bughin, J., Doogan, J., Vetvik, O. J. (2010). A new way to measure word-of-mouth marketing.McKinsey Quarterly,2, 113-116. Cravens, D. W., Piercy, N. (2006).Strategic marketing(Vol. 7). New York: McGraw-Hill. Cui, A. S., Zhao, M., Ravichandran, T. (2011). 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